7. Continuous Integration

7.1. Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a software engineering process where multiple developers merge their working code into a coherent system on a regular basis, allowing for easier testing of code changes and integration of disparate parts of the system. Using a combination of a build system (Jenkins, in this case) and triggers invoked by the source code management system (Git, in this case), a change to source code results in that code being compiled, bundled, and installed (as necessary) onto the hosts where it needs to run to serve its function within the system as a whole.

Continuous Integration works well in a software engineering environment using Agile/Scrum.

7.2. How source changes are propagated

This section summarizes how changes in source repos are propagated using Jenkins and Ansible. You can find more information in the documentation for the ansible-inventory and ansible-playbooks repositories.

Git repos containing DIMS software under development contain “post-receive” hooks which notify the Jenkins server when changes are pushed to a repository. We are currently using two kinds of hooks: 1) A general hook which notifies Jenkins that a push has occured, and 2) A hook which calls a parameterized Jenkins job when a push has occured.

For the general hook, Jenkins jobs essentially “listen” for the notifications. A Jenkins job specifies the repository and branch it wishes to be notified about, as well as optionally specifying particular directory locations it is monitoring. When a notification is received that matches, the job will determine if any actually source changes occurred. If so, the job is run.

The “parameterized” hook is used to call a parameterized Jenkins documentation job when a push is received in a system documentation repository. The Jenkins job builds the documentation in the repo and deploys it (using Ansible) to any documentation servers in the system inventory that correspond to the branch that was updated.


In general, each repository with DIMS software under development will have a Jenkins job “listening” for each branch of the repository that we want to build and deploy continuously. Note that Jenkins jobs can be triggered by changes to more than one branch, but we found it is unreliable. When using hubflow to do releases, for example, a job that was supposed to be triggered by changes in both the master and develop branch only built the develop branch even though changes had been pushed to both the master and develop branches. Since we can programmatically create jobs via the Jenkins Job DSL plugin, it is trivial to create (and modify) jobs for both the master and develop branches (and other branches as needed - release branches for testing, for example).

A Jenkins job that builds and deploys updated software from a Git repository uses Ansible to do the deployment.


We are currently using flat files to define the inventory for a deployment (a “host” file), although we hope to move to using dynamic inventories. Either way, we need to define the hosts in a system and group them in ways that make deployments easy and scalable. (More on this subject can be found in the ansibleinventory:ansibleinventory documentation.)

Ideally, software in a “develop” branch would be deployed in one or more development and/or test systems, each defined by a single host file (inventory). Software in the “master” branch would be deployed to one or more production or operational systems. One could set up a workflow where release branches were automatically deployed to a release-test system - where the software could be tested before final release. (When the code in the release branch was fully tested and accepted, it would be merged into master according to the hubflow workflow, which would cause it to be automatically deployed to production/operational systems).

Figure How software in repositories flows to machines in inventories illustrates this. At the current time, however, we essentially only have one “system” - a “development” system that has grown ad hoc and was not created from scratch using our proposed workflows. The figure shows how we have develop branches of (some) repos also installed in what we’ve named “prisem”, “project”, and “infrastructure” inventories. Ideally we would want to consolidate machines under the “development” inventory if we truly wish to install “develop” branch software automatically on all these machines. This would make defining jobs in the Jenkins DSL simpler as well. See the ansibleinventory:ansibleinventory documentation for a description of our current inventory.

Repos to inventories

How software in repositories flows to machines in inventories

We define “groups” for machines in inventories. The groups are used by Ansible to determine whether or not plays should be run on machines in an inventory. The following figure illustrates this. Machines can be found in more than one group. The group “all” contains all machines in the inventory. A playbook that specifies a host of “all” will run on all machines in the inventory (unless further limited by other means, such as flags passed to the ansible-playbook command or conditional expressions in a role task). The dims-ci-utils code, for example, is to be installed on all machines in the inventory. However, the role that deploys dims-ci-utils restricts a couple tasks to specific groups of machines. One of those groups is the “git” group.

Git to Ansible groups

Machines belong to different groups in an inventory

7.3. Continuous deployment of documentation

For our documentation, we currently deploy all docs from all repository branches to a single VM to make retrieval efficient and to aid in development of the documentation. Ansible is not used for deployment. We simply use rsync over SSH to deploy the docs.

The following figure shows the flows involved in documentation deployment.

Documentation deployment

Diagram of documentation deployment flow.

The workflow runs something like this:

  1. Push to remote repository runs a post-receive hook.
  2. Post-receive hook calls the parameterized Jenkins job dims-docs-deploy if either a branch is deleted or if a branch is updated in a repo that contains documentation. The job is called twice - once to build html and once to build PDF.
  3. Jenkins job dims-deploy-docs runs the script jenkins.docs-deploy
  4. Script jenkins.docs-deploy clones and checks out the documentation, builds the documentation, and rsyncs the documentation to the target server.

Documentation is deployed on the target documentation server with the following directory structure:



$BRANCH only includes the last part of a branch name with the / delimiter. Therefore, since we use the hubflow branching model, branch feature/dims-313 is deployed to /opt/dims/docs/dims-313/html/$REPONAME and /opt/dims/docs/dims-313/pdf/$REPONAME

To view the documentation, you go to https://$HOST:$PORT/docs/$BRANCH/$TYPE/$REPONAME or go to https://$HOST:$PORT/docs/ and browse the directory tree.

Currently the Jenkins job defaults to deploying the documentation on

The following paragraphs describe this workflow in more detail.

7.3.1. Post-receive hook

The post-receive hook, post-receive-jenkins06alldocs, calls a parameterized Jenkins job, dims-docs-deploy, when the repository receives a push. The hook code follows:

The hook determines if the repo contains documentation based upon the existence of the file $REPO/docs/source/conf.py. This determines the value of DOCPATH, which is the path in the repository to the Makefile that will build the docs.


All DIMS source repositories must have their documentation in a subdirectory named docs/ in order to simplify the logic of finding and processing Sphinx documentation.

Once the DOCPATH is determined, two curl commands are sent to Jenkins server to call the job dims-docs-deploy - once for HTML, and once for PDF.

The hook source is located in dims-ci-utils/git/ and is deployed by the dims-ci-utils-deploy-$BRANCH jobs.


Currently, we do not have an automated way to add the symlink to the appropriate repos. The command to do that is:

$ ln -s /opt/git/bin/post-receive-06jenkinsalldocs /opt/git/${REPO}.git/hooks/post-receive-06jenkinsalldocs

7.3.2. Jenkins parameterized job dims-docs-deploy

The parameterized job dims-docs-deploy accepts the following parameters, with the defaults shown. All parameters are string parameters.

NAME Default Value Description
REPO   Repository to build
BRANCH   Branch to build
DOCPATH . Path to Makefile
DOCTYPE html Type of doc to build, html or pdf
DOCDELETE false True to delete docs for this branch
DOCHOST app.devops.develop Host to receive the docs
DOCDEST /opt/dims/docs Root path on host to receive the docs
DOCURL http://app.devops.develop:8443/docs URL of docs index

Defaults are given to make it easier to run the job via curl or via the Jenkins web interface - you don’t need to include all of the parameters unless they are different than the defaults shown. The post-receive hooks sends the parameters REPO, BRANCH, DOCPATH, DOCTYPE, and DOCDELETE when it calls the job.

The dims-docs-deploy job is created via Jenkins DSL, so it is easy to modify if needed. The Jenkins DSL is located in the file jenkins/DSL/jenkins-dsl.groovy, in the dims-ci-utils repo. It is automatically run by the Jenkins seed job dims-seed-job whenever a change is pushed to the jenkins/DSL directory. In this way, the jobs are always up-to-date.

The portion of jenkins-dsl.groovy that builds the parameterized documentation job is shown below:

// Parameterized job to build and deploy DIMS documentation
job {
    name 'dims-docs-deploy'
    description ('Job to build and deploy DIMS documenation')
    logRotator(-1, 15, -1, -5)
    parameters {
        stringParam('REPO', '', 'Repository to build')
        stringParam('BRANCH', '', 'Branch of the repo to use')
        stringParam('DOCPATH', '.', 'Path to the doc Makefile from repo root')
        stringParam('DOCTYPE', 'html', 'Type of document to build - html or pdf')
        stringParam('DOCDELETE', 'false', 'True if the documentation is to be deleted')
        stringParam('DOCHOST', docHost, 'Host to receive the docs')
        stringParam('DOCDEST', docDest, 'Root destination on host to deploy the docs')
        stringParam('DOCURL', docUrl, 'URL to documentation root directory')
    wrappers {
    // This job runs a script
    steps {
        shell ( "jenkins.dims-docs-deploy")
    publishers {
      downstreamParameterized postNotify

The post-receive hook calls dims-deploy-docs via curl. You can also do this manually. For example:

$ curl --data-urlencode "REPO=${REPONAME}" --data-urlencode "BRANCH=${BRANCH}" --data-urlencode "DOCPATH=${DOCPATH}" --data-urlencode "DOCTYPE=${DOCTYPE}" $JENKINSURL/job/$JOB/buildWithParameters

where you have defined the variables shown and JOB="dims-docs-deploy" and JENKINSURL="http://jenkins.devops.develop"

You can also run the job via the Jenkins UI. Go to http://jenkins.devops.develop/view/Current/job/dims-docs-deploy/ and click the Build with Parameters link on the left.

7.3.3. Deployment script jenkins.dims-docs-deploy

As you can see in the previous section, the build step of the dims-docs-deploy job calls the jenkins.dims-docs-deploy script. The script has access to the job’s parameters as environment variables, so they don’t need to be passed explicitly when the script is called from the Jenkins job. The script, jenkins.dims-docs-deploy, along with other scripts used to build and deploy software by Jenkins, has its source located in dims-ci-utils/jenkins/job-scripts. It is deployed on Jenkins in the /opt/dims/bin directory.

The jenkins.dims-docs-deploy script follows the pattern used by other deploy job scripts:

  1. Get default variables
  2. Get parameters and massage as needed
  3. Checkout the docs repo and branch as specified by parameters
  4. Build the docs
  5. Deploy the docs

Since we are deploying all documentation to one server irrespective of branch, we do not use the Ansible infrastructure for final deployment. Instead we simply use ssh to make the modifications on the target machine as necessary. A variable, REMOTEUSER, is used for the user making the SSH calls. On Jenkins, this user is ansible. If you are running the script manually (while testing, for example), you can provide a different user by calling the script with REMOTEUSER, as in:

$ REPO=dims-sr BRANCH=develop DOCPATH=. DOCTYPE=html REMOTEUSER=$USER jenkins.dims-docs-deploy

Of course, $USER must be a DIMS user on the target machine (one of the default users installed by Ansible when a DIMS machine is provisioned) and have the appropriate private key.

For your reference, the jenkins.dims-docs-deploy source follows: