9. Programming Conventions

This chapter includes examples of programming practices, pointers to code that can serve as a starting point for new programs, and other references to help DIMS developers (and their products) be consistent, maximally functional, robust, and professional.

9.1. Use of Makefile helpers

The Unix make utility is used heavily in DIMS development as a means of scripting command sequences in a way that simplifies tasks and makes them more repeatable and consistent. Rather than producing a README file that lists generic examples of long list of command lines that must be altered slightly for a specific purpose (e.g., naming things uniquely), a Makefile may be used that has a single target that identified by a meaningful word like “target” that can be invoked with one easy to remember command:

$ make target

A DIMS Makefile helper library is available (and encouraged to be used) to consolidate frequently needed variables, macros, etc., into a single file that can be included at the top of every DIMS Makefile. One of the things this library includes is a mechanism to embed self-documenting text that can be output when you type make help. Here is an example from the dims-ci-utils/dims/ directory:

[dittrich@27b dims (develop)]$ make help
[Using Makefile.dims.global v1.6.22 rev 1.4-295-g38b22c8]
Usage: make [something]

Where "something" is one of the targets listed in the sections below.

                 Targets from Makefile.dims.global

 help - Show this help information (usually the default rule)
 dimsdefaults - show default variables included from Makefile.dims.global
 version - show the Git revision for this repo
 envcheck - perform checks of requirements for DIMS development
                   Targets from Makefile

 bootstrap - install foundation items (i.e., test_functions.sh,
             test.dims-ci-utils.envcheck, and test.dims-ci-utils.installcheck)
 install - install programs/files
 manifest - create expected results (a manifest, for lack of
            a better term) for installcheck to use.
            (See also: README.installcheck)
 uninstall - remove programs/files
 installdirs - create required directories
 installcheck - test to see if everything installed properly
 clean - Remove manifest.txt file.
 test - run test.dims-ci-utils.envcheck to test test_functions.sh

The first few lines of $GIT/dims-ci-utils/dims/Makefile are shown here, with the include statement and help text for the target bootstrap:

 # Makefile for DIMS test scripts and other common
 # continuous integration aids.

 # The following include line is special for
 # this one Makefile, since it is used to manage
 # Makefile.dims.global.  Other Makefile invocations
 # should use:
 # include $(DIMS)/etc/Makefile.dims.global
 include Makefile.dims.global

 #HELP bootstrap - install foundation items (i.e., test_functions.sh,
 #HELP             test.dims-ci-utils.envcheck, and test.dims-ci-utils.installcheck)
 .PHONY: bootstrap
 bootstrap: installdirs \
     $(DIMSETC)/Makefile.dims.global \
     $(DIMSBIN)/test_functions.sh \
     $(DIMSBIN)/test.dims-ci-utils.envcheck \


9.2. Variable Naming Conventions

Because the DIMS project uses several programming languages, and several open source tools that may have their own naming policies, variable naming is sometimes quiet hard to normalize into a single form. Programmers also came to the project with their own preferences and past practices, combined with a desire to make their own mark and exercise their own creativity. The result is a mixture of naming conventions and variable name choices that are not entirely consistent.

On top of this, the goal of no hard coded values means that variables are often used to create other variables in order to break down something as complicated as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that has protocol, host name or address, port number, directory path, and file name. In order to refer to (a) the complete URL, (b) just the file name, and (c) the specific version number, requires that many (but not too many) variables be defined.

Some of these variables will also be specific to the program being used (e.g., “consul” for the Consul distributed key/value store program), and some are shared with the operating system and/or hardware architecture (e.g., “ubuntu” and “amd64”). It is desireable to not have multiple variables that hold the same value, but sometimes necessary to have two variables that have slightly different (but related) values (e.g., ansible_architecture may hold x86_64, but a program like Consul may use amd64 as the architecture identifier. The following is the full target URL for the Consul binary:


This can be broken down into the following variables:

Variable Example Value(s)
consul_version 0.6.4
consul_os linux (for Ubuntu, Debian), darwin (for Mac OS X)
consul_arch amd64 (equivalent to ansible_architecture value x86_64)
consul_artifact consul_{{ consul_version }}_{{ consul_os }}_{{ consul_arch }}.zip
consul_dist_url https://releases.hashicorp.com/consul/{{ consul_version }}/

The templated version of an Ansible play that downloads the distribution artifact for Consul would thus look like:

- name: Make Consul distribution artifact present
    url={{ consul_dist_url }}/{{ consul_artifact }}
    dest={{ dims_deploy }}/{{ role_name }}
    sha256sum={{ consul_sha256sum }}
  sudo: yes
  tags: [ consul ]

Using variable names that begin with a consistent string identifying the role or program that they correspond with also helps in two ways.

First, it groups the names (when sorted) and differentiates variables with the same function (e.g., identifying a version number) between Ansible roles. Since Ansible lumps all variables into the same name space, and may process roles in unpredicatable order, there is a chance that a variable with the same exact name in two or more roles will not have the value that you think it will have when the play is actually performed. Names must be either prefixed with a string that differentiates them (e.g., consul_version vs. docker_version), or a more complex nested data structure must be used. Since the latter is more complex, harder to read and harder for those who are new to Ansible to remember how to use, prefixing and separation by way of underscore characters is the preferable naming scheme.

Secondly, this naming style matches that already used by other Ansible facts, which makes the Ansible debugging output a little more consistent and easier to read, again primarily because of the lexical grouping that results.

[dimsenv] dittrich@dimsdemo1:~/dims/git/dims-devguide/docs (develop*) $ ls /bin
bash                  dmesg          loginctl          ntfsls                   stty
bunzip2               dnsdomainname  lowntfs-3g        ntfsmftalloc             su
busybox               domainname     ls                ntfsmove                 sync
bzcat                 dumpkeys       lsblk             ntfstruncate             tailf
bzcmp                 echo           lsmod             ntfswipe                 tar
bzdiff                ed             mkdir             open                     tempfile
bzegrep               egrep          mknod             openvt                   touch
bzexe                 false          mktemp            pidof                    true
bzfgrep               fgconsole      more              ping                     udevadm
bzgrep                fgrep          mount             ping6                    ulockmgr_server
bzip2                 findmnt        mountpoint        plymouth                 umount
bzip2recover          fuser          mt                plymouth-upstart-bridge  uname
bzless                fusermount     mt-gnu            ps                       uncompress
bzmore                getfacl        mv                pwd                      unicode_start
cat                   grep           nano              rbash                    vdir
cgroups-mount         gunzip         nc                readlink                 vmmouse_detect
cgroups-umount        gzexe          nc.openbsd        red                      which
chacl                 gzip           nc.traditional    rm                       whiptail
chgrp                 hostname       netcat            rmdir                    ypdomainname
chmod                 ip             netstat           rnano                    zcat
chown                 kbd_mode       nisdomainname     running-in-container     zcmp
chvt                  keyctl         ntfs-3g           run-parts                zdiff
cp                    kill           ntfs-3g.probe     rzsh                     zegrep
cpio                  kmod           ntfs-3g.secaudit  sed                      zfgrep
dash                  less           ntfs-3g.usermap   setfacl                  zforce
date                  lessecho       ntfscat           setfont                  zgrep
dbus-cleanup-sockets  lessfile       ntfsck            setupcon                 zless
dbus-daemon           lesskey        ntfscluster       sh                       zmore
dbus-uuidgen          lesspipe       ntfscmp           sh.distrib               znew
dd                    ln             ntfsdump_logfile  sleep                    zsh
df                    loadkeys       ntfsfix           ss                       zsh5
dir                   login          ntfsinfo          static-sh

You can see that the Zip and Bzip2 related programs all start with z and bz respectively. But just because a programs starts with “z” does not mean that it is a Zip related program (e.g., zsh is a shell, completely unrelated to Zip.) You can use tab completion in Bash or other shells to find all commands that start with “z” and guess which ones are part of the Zip program set, but you can’t use a help sub-command to get the actual list. (See man zip to see how the documentation lists other options, though not exactly all of them in the main zip man page.)

Another way of organizing programs (or more precisely, sub-programs) is to use a plugin-style mechanism for organizination. Git is an example of a multi-component program suite that does this. It has many sub-programs, each starting with git- in the name. The Git Hubflow tools integrate themselves into Git because their names start with git-:

[dimsenv] dittrich@dimsdemo1:~ () $ (cd $(dirname $(which git)); ls git*)
git              git-hf          git-hf-pull     git-hf-update     git-shell
git-big-picture  git-hf-feature  git-hf-push     git-hf-upgrade    git-upload-archive
git-crypt        git-hf-hotfix   git-hf-release  git-hf-version    git-upload-pack
git-cvsserver    git-hf-init     git-hf-support  git-receive-pack

You can use the tab command completion functionality of Bash to help show you the grouped commands, or use the git help sub-command, which not only lists them, but also provides even more hints on how to get help and usage information. Here is the list of first-level sub-commands related to Git Hubflow:

[dimsenv] dittrich@dimsdemo1:~ () $ git hf help
usage: git hf <subcommand>

Available subcommands are:
   init      Initialize a new git repo with support for the branching model.
   feature   Manage your feature branches.
   release   Manage your release branches.
   hotfix    Manage your hotfix branches.
   push      Push the changes from your current branch (plus any new tags) back upstream.
   pull      Pull upstream changes down into your master, develop, and current branches.
   update    Pull upstream changes down into your master and develop branches.
   version   Shows version information.

Try 'git hf <subcommand> help' for details.

This downside to this mechanism is that it requires that the top- or mid-level command (in this case, git) have complex logic and funcationality to support this plugin model.

An easier way to acheive the same effect of allowing tab command completion to group commands. The DIMS project uses a convention of multi-component names separated by periods, kind of like DNS Domain names are constructed. The first component is supposed to be the high-level grouping, followed by sub-groups, and lastly sub-functions.


These scripts are installed into either /opt/dims/bin, or Python virtual environments, as necessary to support development and testing without breaking the basic system functionality by accidentally installing a script with a syntax error that fails out when called from another system script. The tab command completion feature of Bash will find them, regardless of which directory from the $PATH they are installed in.

The main grouping used within DIMS is dims, and another related to Packer/Vagrant virtual machines and test/validation functionality is test. Here is what you get when you use tab command completion with these two prefixes:

[dimsenv] dittrich@dimsdemo1:~ () $ test.<TAB><TAB>
test.ansible.yaml                test.runner.orig
test.dims-ci-utils.envcheck      test.supervisor
test.dims-ci-utils.installcheck  test.vagrant.ansible-current
test.md5.output                  test.vagrant.factory
test.packer.factory              test.vagrant.list
test.packer.list                 test.vagrant.listvms
test.runner                      test.yaml.validate
[dimsenv] dittrich@dimsdemo1:~ () $ dims.<TAB><TAB>
dims.ansible-playbook         dims.elasticsearch.service    dims.localcluster.start
dims.ansible-playbook.orig    dims.git.repoversion          dims.localcluster.status
dims.boot2docker              dims.git.syncrepos            dims.localcluster.stop
dims.buildvirtualenv          dims.help                     dims.makedocset
dims.bumpversion              dims.install.createusb        dims.nas.mount
dims.cleanup                  dims.install.dimscommands     dims.nas.umount
dims.clusterconfig.list       dims.jj2                      dims.remote.setupworkstation
dims.clusterconfig.local      dims.localcluster.create      dims.shutdown
dims.clusterconfig.nas        dims.localcluster.destroy     dims.sphinx-autobuild
dims.cluster.runscript        dims.localcluster.runscript   dims.swapcapslockctrl

This helps show or remind you what scripts are available and how they may be related to each other.


While this naming scheme is the general policy, it is not universally true for all DIMS programs. Some legacy programs integrated into DIMS, scripts that were written for specific applications (like list as one of the Git-shell commands), or programs written by DIMS team members as prototypes that were not categorized at the time they were written, have non-standard names.

Also, the organizational taxonomy for naming scripts has grown organically over time, since this kind of organization is sometimes not readily obvious at the time someone needs to write a new script. Efforts to refactor these scripts have taken a lower priority to simply implenting those that are needed to complete the project.

An effort was begun to bring all of these scripts underneath a main CLI the way that Git works, in order to better integrate the use of variables that are used for differentiating between deployments. This high-level CLI is dimscli (see Developing modules for the DIMS CLI app (dimscli)). This is still a work-in-progress.


Here are some questions to ask when confronted with variable or program naming:

  • I want to put some value into a variable. Is there already a variable that has been defined to hold this same value? (If so, is that the appropriate variable to use? Do we need another variable with the same value, and how will the next person know which one to use?)

  • Is there already a dictionary or other more complex structure that holds related variables? (If so, is it appropriate to add another field or mapping to that structure? Is this data structure the place where someone else will look to find this variable?)

  • What naming convention is used elsewhere? Is camelCaseStyle, ALLCAPS, or all_lower_case_with_underscores used? Think about how you or someone else will search the source files to find this variable, and ask yourself if it will be necessary to use a complicated regular expressions or simple one to find it?

  • Is the new name a translation of an existing name, and if so, why is it being translated instead of used with the exact same spelling? For example, if Makefile has something like VARIABLE_NAME={{ varName }} in it, why was varName translated to VARIABLE_NAME? (Look at the last bullet point to see why this matters.)

  • How will the script name group with other scripts when sorted by the ls program? Will the script be grouped with other simple scripts that are commonly related, or will it end up being mixed up?

    A really good example for helping understanding this point is naming files with dates in the file names. The strings using the MM_DD_YYYY style (or the European equivalent DD_MM_YYYY style), or spelled out Jan_01_2015, Feb_15_2016, etc., will not sort properly. If instead you use a naming structure that puts the things that change least frequently to the left, and the things that change most frequently to the right (e.g., 2015_01_01, 2016_02_15) not only will the names always sort properly, but they also group better by year and month!

There are sometimes good reasons to deviate from convention, to translate from one variable name to another, or to create a new variable that holds the same value as another variable. If you are able to explicitly describe why a specific new variable name was chosen, put in a comment to explain the deviation. If you are in doubt, or can’t really give a good reason for doing something that may have negative consequences later on for someone else, log a ticket or bring up the issue at a scrum meeting to discuss the issue and get resolution.